Friday, July 16, 2010

Some Updates

Well since its been about ten forever's since I updated I figured I would type up a few.

I went to a music festival on Memorial day weekend and that evening had a five hours seizure and had to be put in the hospital. Since then I have had about 7 or 8 more, the last one put me back in the hospital (it lasted an hour) and I have been out of work for the past few weeks to recover. I have been diagnosed with Epilepsy/Seizure Disorder. What a life changer. I have lost my license, and I ended up getting a scooter to go back and forth on. Not real great when its been like a thousand degrees recently, but better than walking.

I also had my almost two year old T-Mic fail on me. This is the first real equipment failure I have had. In less than two minutes on the phone with Advanced Bionics I had a replacement on the way, which arrived a day earlier than it was supposed to! Very cool.

I will post up some scooter pictures and stuff here soon.

Hope everyone is doing ok. I am going to swap the format of the blog around to be more general and not just CI related.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

LONG week, webinars, and Thanksgiving

Ok so I know that webinars are supposed to be a cool way to get information to people. However, I attended one for two hours this week and all I got out of it was “BINDER” and “Work ORDER”. I literally sat for two hours, smiling like a jackass and not having a damned clue what was going on. Then to make it even better, the person who was close to the phone would keep turning around and talking if they thought what was being said wasn’t important. Oy vey. I was supposed to leave from work early today so I could start my Thanksgiving, but we all know that didn't happen. Figures lol. When I came home though I found that Michael had made pecan pie, which almost made me fall over. I hope its good. :) I upgraded my OS on my computer to Windows 7. I sort of liked Vista, but I am really digging 7 so far. Only had one issue and that was with an online data back up that I use. Just switched it from the stand alone to the web version and it cleared right up. So far, so good.Also, I am asking for a Kindle for the holidays, does anyone have one?

Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Nice Day

I had a good day today. I had a review with my boss which went well. I also went and joined SHRM (Society for Human Resources Management) which has a TON of resources on its site. All in all a good day, my teeth are still hurting, not as bad though. I am still debating on getting a hearing dog, the jury is still out on that one though. Hope all is well.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Post Root Canal(s) Update

Ok, so today I had my two scheduled root canals which I was REALLY looking forward to. Anyway, I went in at 9:30 and they started working on me. I was smart and took off my processors so I didn't have to hear it. :) Well three hours later the dentist told me that one of my teeth had a fracture and that it would be a waste to do the root canal on. So he cleaned it up and advised me that I now have to have it extracted and a bridge put in instead.

Now the best part is that this extraction is scheduled for November 9 in the morning and that evening we (Michael and I) are going to Philly for a concert. I should be in good shape for that!

On a side note, I am considering applying for a Hearing Dog. I think it would be a good thing for me to have. Do any of my readers have one or know anything about the application process?


As you can see, its very late here, but my face is still swollen and my teeth hurt and the vicoden is just now starting to make really really tired. So off to bed for me. I hope everyone is enjoying fall.



Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dreary Day

Today was a dreary day. Its been very cold and rainy since Wednesday. Michael went to Atlanta for the weekend, so I am home alone. Not sure if anything is on the plans for the weekend. I might try to go to the movies is there is an OC playing. I might go this whole weekend without my CI’s on, just to give me a rest. Its hard wearing them all the time. Since Michael doesn't really know sign and I can’t always lip read him very well it can be very frustrating. So this might be a good excuse for me to just relax and not have to really worry about the CI. He went to see our friends who are having an art show at Chastain Park. So if anyone who reads this is in the Atlanta/Sandy Springs area. Go check out the show! I wish I could have went, I love Georgia. Plus Randall and Patrick are so nice. I miss seeing them. Hope everyone is ok, I am noticing I am picking up more and more ‘small’ sounds with these things on, I can actually make out the radio when I drive pretty clear and as I type this the TV is on and I can make out what they are saying without looking at it. Very cool indeed.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Ok I have two abscessed teeth. I have been advised by my dentist to either have a double root canal or to have them extracted. Has anyone had a successful root canal? Do they hurt? I am in lots of pain right now because of them, I really don't want to get them pulled but the root canals are going to cost me $1400 and that is with my dental insurance. Its $100 to get them pulled. Just for the record its my top left molars that are affected. So if anyone reading this can give me some advice I would appreciate it. :)

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


I have a freaking toothache. I hate when I get one of them. I am hoping it feels better in the morning or I am going to have to break down and go to the dentist. Other than that, not much going on, I am hoping to make it to DC for the ‘Walk 4 Hearing’ this month. One because I think it would be cool, and two the guy from the Redskins is pretty hot, he is the honorary chairman :)