Not a lot has been going on here recently. Just me moving some stuff around the house and trying to get things settled in. My ear feels much better, no more balance issues, no more pain pills and I am about two weeks away from the activation date. I am attaching a few pictures of what my implant looks like and what the processor (the part on the outside of my head) will look like. I thought that would be a good idea for some of my friends that don't really know what the cochlear consists of. Hope everyone who reads this is having a good day. None of these are my pictures just some I found on the web. My processor BTW is a goldish beige color not the white one I have here.
This is the part that is actually inside my head now.

This is the processor which I will wear in order to hear. Its called a Harmony and its from Advanced Bionics.

This is how the processor hooks up. There is a magnet on the round part that connects to the other magnet which is in my implant.

This is a digram showing what they did during my surgery and where everything is located.

Hope this answers some questions any of you had and if it doesn't ask me!
At least it'll be a decent color.
Ok now I get it. Thank you. Bill
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